Friday, February 26, 2010

Shutter Island

When I originally saw the preview for Shutter Island many many months ago I knew it was a movie I just had to see especially since it stars my favorite actor ever, Leo. I went and saw it today and boy was I blown away. I was expecting it to be really scary and that I was going to be covering my eyes the whole time, not so much, just really suspenseful. Leo was amazing of course and Martin Scorsese has himself another fantastic film. The best part of the movie had the be the ending, I will not spoiler it for anyone because it would ruin the movie. Let me just say the last time I saw a film with a twist like that was in The Sixth Sense, I just didn't see this one coming!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

American Idol

I love American Idol and was very excited for this new season, but so far I am a bit disappointed. For the second season now my mom and I have made a list from the very first episode of the people we really like and all of them have made it to the top 24, no surprise though, they show us people we are supposed to like and they know will make it far. After Tuesday night I thought all the girls were terrible and not a single one stuck out in my mind as a good performance, I hoped the boys would be better, nope, the only person's performance I really liked was Casey James, but honestly the guy could sing the phone book and I would love him.

I hope next week proves to be better because if the contestants continue to perform the way they did this week we are in for one long crappy season!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Melissa, love you and so excited for this weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Sometimes I think I should just give up on the job search and go into the cake business.

These are some I have made so far...

First Post and Olympics

So finally after months of thinking about doing it I decided to start a blog. My mom said it would be a good place to share my thoughts, opinions, and ideas for the future.

So far this week and has been a bit of a snooze except for all the events I have been watching on the Olympics. I don't know what it is about the Olympics but I want to watch every bit of it, I don't care if it's events I have no interest in any other time in the year I still watch it. The Olympics also make me very patriotic and every time an American is up on the podium receiving a gold medal and the national anthem plays I get a little teary eyed.

As for last nights events, I don't know if anyone saw the ice dancing but wow was America robbed. I thought the Canadians routine was pretty and graceful but the music was super boring and in no way better than the Americans who performed a Phantom of the Opera routine that was breathtaking!

I can't wait for tonights events plus American Idol and Lost, wow way too much on tv tonight!